The Maliketh Client

The Maliketh Operator Client is a console-based application that enables you to easily interact with implants. It is written in Python and is cross-platform.

Table of contents
  1. The Maliketh Client
    1. Starting the client
    2. Interacting with implants
    3. Executing tasks
    4. Retrieving output
      1. More complex output
    5. Broadcasting commands
    6. Building implants
      1. Setting build options
      2. Actually building the thing
    7. Command reference
      1. help
      2. interact

Starting the client

After installing the client, starting the client is simple:

$ poetry run maliketh_client -c your_config.json

There are a few other optional command line arguments that you can use:

$ poetry run maliketh_client -h
Usage: usage: maliketh_client --config OPERATOR_CONFIG_FILE [options]

Maliketh Operator Client

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config=CONFIG
                        The operator configuration file to use
  -d, --debug           Enable debug mode
  -t, --with-timestamps
                        Enable timestamps in log messages

Interacting with implants

When an implant connects to the server, it will be displayed in the client. You can interact with the implant with the interact command. This will open a new shell in “interact” mode that will be used to interact with the implant. In this case, our implant’s ID is dd35c485.

Interacting with an implant

Executing tasks

Once you are interacting with an implant, can execute tasks (or commands) on the implant. For example, you can execute whoami:

Executing commands on an implant

Retrieving output

Notice above how the output of the command is not displayed immediately. This is because the output (could) be a large amount of data. The output is stored in the database and can be retrieved with the results command, followed by the ID of the task:

Retrieving output

More complex output

Sometimes the output of a task is more complex than just a string. For example, the output of the ps command is a map of process IDs to process names. The client will automatically detect this and display the output in a more readable tabular format:

Retrieving complex output

Broadcasting commands

You can broadcast commands to all connected implants with the broadcast command. This can be useful for tasks like downloading a file from all connected implants:

Broadcasting commands

Building implants

Each operator has the ability to compile new implants with some custom options. This is done with the build command. The build command will create a new implant with the given options and write it to the given output file. The output file can then be distributed to targets.

Setting build options

The following options can be set when building an implant (using the builder set command):

Option Arg(s) Description
initial_sleep_seconds <seconds> Set the initial sleep time
kill_parent <true|false> Set the kill_parent option
register_max_retries <number> Set the max number of retries for registering
scheduled_task_name <name> Set the scheduled task name
schtask_persist <true|false> Set the schtask_persist option
use_antidebug <true|false> Set the use_antidebug option
use_antivm <true|false> Set the use_antivm option

To show the current value of a given option, use the builder show command:

Showing build options

Actually building the thing

Once you have set the options you want, you can build the implant with the build command, along with a path to write the file to:

Building an implant

Command reference


Command Subcommands Args Description
alias delete, list, set <implant_id> [alias] Set an alias for a given implant
broadcast   <command> Send an interact command to every connected implant (this can get very noisy, USE WITH CAUTION!)
build   <output_file> Build an implant with the given options and write it to
builder set, show <option> [value] Set or show builder options
exit     Exit the client
help     Show this help message and exit
interact   <implant_id> Interact with a given implant id
results   <task_id> [local_path] Show the results of a given task id. Optionally write the results to a file
show implants, stats, tasks   Show implants, stats, or tasks


Command Subcommands Args Description
back     Exit the interact menu
chdir   <path> Change the implant’s working directory
cmd   <args> Execute a shell command on the implant
config set, show <option> [value] Set or show implant configuration options
disable_defender     Try to disable Windows Defender (will not work if user is not admin)
download   <remote_path> Download a file from the implant
exit     Exit the interact menu
getenv     Get all environment variables
inject   <shellcode_path> <process_name> Spawn a process then inject shellcode into it
ls     List files in the implant’s working directory
ps     List running processes
pwd     Get the implant’s working directory
results   <task_id> [local_path] Show the results of a given task id. Optionally write the results to a file
selfdestruct     Remove and kill the implant
sleep   <seconds> Sleep for a given number of seconds
sysinfo     Get system information from the implant
upload   <local_path> <remote_path> Upload a file to the implant and store it in
whoami     Get the current user

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