
Each action on an implant is represented by an integer opcode. This page serves as a reference for the opcodes used by the implant, the arguments they take, and the actions they (should) perform.

Arguments for each opcode must be a valid JSON type supported by SQLAlchemy.

Opcode Action Description
0x01 CMD Execute a command on the implant
0x02 SELFDESTRUCT Delete and kill the implant
0x03 SYSINFO Get system information
0x04 SLEEP Sleep for a specified amount of time
0x05 UPDATE_CONFIG Update the malleable configuration of the implant
0x06 DOWNLOAD Download a file from the implant
0x07 UPLOAD Upload a file to the implant
0x08 INJECT Inject shellcode from the server into a process
0x09 CHDIR Change the working directory of the implant
0x0A PWD Get the current working directory of the implant
0x0B GETENV Gets all environment variables from the implant
0x0C LS List files in the current working directory
0x0D PS List running processes
0x0E WHOAMI Get the current user of the implant
0x0F DISABLE_DEFENDER Disable Windows Defender


Args: List of strings (command and arguments) Ex: ["ipconfig", "/all"]

Expected response: The output of the command, if any.


Args: None

Expected response: None


Args: None

Expected response: A map of strings (key, value) of system information.


Args: 1 integer (seconds to sleep)

Expected response: None


Args: A map of strings (key, value) to update the malleable configuration. Invalid keys will be ignored. See profile for a list of valid keys. Ex: {"kill_date": "2021-01-01"}

Expected response: None


Args: List of 1 string (path to file on the implant) Ex: "C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\file.txt"

Expected response: base64 encoded file content


Args: List of 2 strings (path to save the file on the implant) Ex: ["C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\file.txt", "b64encoded-file-content=="]

Expected response: None


Args: List of 2 strings (base64 encoded shellcode, process name/id) Ex: ["shellcode==", "notepad.exe"]

Expected response: None


Args: 1 string (path to change to) Ex: "C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop"

Expected response: None


Args: None

Expected response: 1 string (current working directory)


Args: None

Expected response: A map of strings (key, value) of environment variables.


Args: None

Expected response: A list of strings (file names)


Args: None

Expected response: A map of strings (pid, name) of running processes.


Args: None

Expected response: 1 string (current user)


Args: None

Expected response: None

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